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Community, Fitness, & Self Development

"Our antidote to stagnation"

Find a way forward with DEVSOC

We're tired of the same old story

When we ask the question "how do I improve?" the answer is always some nondescript version of "read a book or go for a walk or meditate for 10 minutes"

Where does it end? How many books should I read? How long do I meditate for? How many times should I walk in a week? How do I know if I'm moving forward? What's the best workout plan?

There are so many questions when we try to improve ourselves.

And we're tired of boring self development types selling you the answer as their ONE SINGLE SECRET to success in a crappy 30 minute webinar.

They're full of shit.

Our top tip? There isn't one. The journey is long and difficult. If anyone tells you otherwise, it's a lie to try and make them money.

We understand how difficult it can be, one minute you're on the wagon, the next you're off. We become anxious about not moving forward, being stagnant, not reaching our goals.

There's not a one size fits all solution to the problem of feeling stagnant. But we can cover MOST of the problem MOST of the time with three things.

Community, fitness, and self development.

Tick those three things off, and you're moving forward. It's just up to you in which direction and how fast.

DEVSOC helps you move forward and improve with those three things...



Self Development

We believe we're better together. Accountability is hard on your own. Surround yourself with likeminded people who want the best for you and the goals you can reach will surprise you. You're not alone in this world, there are people like you who want to get better every day in our community. They say you are the average of the 5 people you most spend time with, you might as well make sure they're on your team. Win or lose, you have a community around you to improve with.

"We're Better Together"

Daily movement. There's a lot to be said on the matter. Put simply, our philosophy is to move daily. Turn yourself into the person the child version of you is proud of. It starts with small wins that accumulate into big wins. It doesn't matter if you don't hit your goals every single day, what matters is you hit your goals MOST of the time. Wake up feeling the best version of yourself. Slow, consistent, meaningful movement is what keeps our joints greased and our bodies healthy. It's easy when you have the best info at your fingertips. Stagnation is the devil, move with us and embody the work ethic that it's tough, but worth it.

"1% Daily Gains"

A callused mind creates a callused character. When the going is easy is when we need to do the most work on ourselves. You shouldn't wait for a crisis to start thinking about your mental health. It's with us for the foreseeable, might as well start looking after it as soon as you can. If you take care of your mind as you do your body, it will take care of you. As much as daily movement and community is key, daily development is paramount.  5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, is all it takes. Don't let it creep up on you. If it gets tough, know we're on hand anytime of day. We got you.

"Develop Yourself"

Find Your Tribe

Our community is like no other. Our Secret Slack Group and infamous Daily Waves newsletter. Be inspired and motivated on the daily. Prepare yourself for the day ahead with likeminded people. We've got you covered, and so has the community.

Move With Us

Whether it's 1-1 coaching for big goals like IronMan or small goals like a 5k, we've got you. Our Longum Iter Est (The Journey Is Long) challenges are a game changer. The items within "LIE" can only be obtained by completing the workout attached to that item. Send us proof of that workout and we'll give you access to buy it. Wear it with pride knowing it was earned with sweat.

Improve With Us

Our Development Diaries are the way to get the wheels in motion. Before I learned about the power of writing things down, my head was a pinball bouncing around all day at 100mph. Journalling and tracking your thoughts is a great way of grounding your mind. Learn to improve through it.

What People Say About Us (500+ 5 Star Reviews)

"What can I say other than 'first class'. Everything they do is considered and delivered with style and panache. They've given me an ongoing boost through some very difficult times and I continue to get little gems of joy. Thanks and keep going!"

"Amazing gear, amazing guys, and the best community you can ask for. You can't find a better place to get great products and be part of a community that looks to make people the best versions of themselves. Can't find better challenges anywhere else. Please keep it up."

"DEVSOC is a not just a brand but a different way of thinking, living and understanding life and everything else. A really wholesome bunch with stoic ideas at the core."

"The idea of earning discounts through workouts I found brilliant. It's a great way of getting people moving. The workout I chose was hard but not impossible and left you feeling that you had earned it. They were quick to respond even though they were very busy due to a new item release. And the delivery was quick. Altogether great service and a made a repeat customer of me."

"Awesome dudes, when the website listed they had stock when they didn’t, they replaced my item for a more expensive item free of charge (even though I insisted I pay). Most humble dudes out there, taught me a lot about life as well when life wasn’t going good, can’t ask for a better company."

"The DEVSOC team and the ethos behind it are revolutionary. It’s like having a great life coach on tap. No judgements, just positivity and motivation but MOST importantly they listen to their dudes and are genuinely interested. It’s the only Social app I have (Slack). Have a look, you will interact with real people on there, you know the type, they aren’t trying to sell you something rubbish or fostering discontent. Thanks guys, keep it up."

"Waviest Dudes around! Their clothing is just ace, fits perfect, improves a persons wave level by at least 110%. The heads of DEVSOC are genuine, down to earth and all round top blokes. They ain’t just about their own personal development but about looking after others personal development, an ear to listen when things hit rock bottom and a helping hand to get back to the best dude you can be! Can’t recommend DEVSOC enough to anyone."

What Happens If I Do Nothing?

Well, nothing. Nothing happens. No one dies, no one loses out, nothing happens.

And that's the problem. Inaction is a killer. Directionless-ness kills.

If you're not ready to become the best version of yourself, no stress. We'll be here everyday. Slowly chipping away. Gaining 1% daily
But if you are ready, then let's get to work...

Better Together

Surround yourself with a likeminded community

Move With Us

Earn your gear with Longum Iter Est

Improve With Us

Develop your mind with the Development Diary

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