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What is success?

Success is a concept people seem to prioritize more than ever, but it’s also pretty nebulously defined. Many of us pursue success relentlessly, all united towards a common goal that, in fact, has no commonality whatsoever. For many, success is something materialistic: a new car; a mansion; something shiny. It could be getting the job you’ve always wanted or, more specifically, earning that elusive six-figure salary. These will bring you fulfilment, and the feeling of success, but it is temporary. Surely something that can be gone in an instant with something as simple as a change of the stock market or a new boss, or made obsolete by a newer, shinier model can’t be the real measure of your accomplishments.

So what does it mean to be truly successful?

There is an exercise you can do which will show you what your definition of success truly is.

Imagine you’ve just walked into a church. You feel the cool, still air of the hall on your cheeks. You look around,and sitting in the pews are your family and friends, the people you truly love and hold closest to your heart.

You sit down near the back, and you realise it’s your funeral: everyone here is for you. One by one, they take turns to walk up to the front and say a few words about you.

You need to grab a pen and paper now and think very hard about this next part.

We want you to write down what you would want these family members and close friends to say about you. How would they describe you? What characteristics would you want them to remember? What moments? As a powerful CEO, or as an incredible father who loved with all his heart? Would you want them to consider you an avid car collector, or the best friend a man could ask for? A rich spouse, or a caring one?

The words and sentences you write down are your true meaning of SUCCESS.

If you can sit at the back of your own funeral and be truly happy and content about how your loved ones describe you, then congratulations: you truly are SUCCESSFUL.

And if not, look at your list, and start working towards being that person.
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  • Thanks, Hulda Knoll for thedevelopmentsociety.co.uk

    Hulda Knoll
  • wQzeDJmuEWfjXI



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