We are currently away - All orders placed now will ship Monday Jan 13th.

Iterato Pledge

We understand that as a company, we have a duty to be responsible for the products that we bring into this world.
In our practices, we have already dedicated our operations to becoming as environmentally sustainable as possible, whilst making ethical decisions along the way.
We choose 100% cotton instead of poly-mix tees. We only use recycled and recyclable shipping packaging (both inner & outer). We donate 5% of our profits to our #treesarecool tree planting initiative.
But, we're new to this. Admittedly, this is not our main bag. We're constantly learning and working to improve our footprint on this planet and to ensure that it's a positive one, not a negative one. We will make mistakes along the way, and we are prepared to learn from them to create a more sustainable way of operating.
From this point on, and for all of our past orders, we have decided to close our "product-loop" in the same manner as it started - ethically & morally.
Introducing; The Iterato Pledge 
Meaning "Reinstate" in Latin, we intend to reinstate our old clothing items, giving them a new life.
If any clothing / item supplied by DEVSOC is no longer needed, and you can't recycle it yourself, send it back to us. We'll cover the postage costs. We'll keep hold of those items until we have a sufficient amount to do "something" with. This could be a charity donation, a patchwork of materials, or re-using them in some form.
This applies to ANY reason that you don't need or require it; if it's broken (we'll replace your old one as well up to one year from purchase), we'll take it back. If it doesn't fit anymore, we'll take it back. If you just don't like it anymore, we'll take it back.
All we ask is you follow these steps:
  1. Don't throw it in the general waste
  2. Mend a broken item if possible (talk to us about a replacement)
  3. Recycle at your end if possible
  4. Ship back to us if you can't (we'll cover postage)
Our pledge: We will accept unwanted DEVSOC items, for any reason, in order to re-use/recycle them whilst covering the shipping fee.
This may not seem like a groundbreaking pledge, companies like Patagonia have done it for years, but it is a step in the right direction that we believe companies like ours have a morally-bound duty to perform.
We will leave this planet in a better state than we found it, one step at a time.
For any queries relating to our Iterato Pledge email - humbled@thedevelopmentsociety.co.uk
Stay Wavy,
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