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The Great Lamp Mystery Of 2020

You read that right. Sometimes weird things happen, and you've just gotta roll with it.
A day or two ago, we received 5 "Humble One" lamps at our fulfilment warehouse. 
We have no idea who sent them, or why. But we're going to try and find out.
Our thinking is someone knows, somebody sent them. Most likely once or twice removed from DEVSOC, so maybe a family member or friend who had our address at some point. Or maybe someone loved the Humble vibes on the lamp and meant to send them but forgot to tell us, who knows!
We reckon we can get them back to their rightful owner if it was a mistake though.
We need your help though.
Through the power of social media, we'll figure out this conundrum and put them back in the hands of their rightful recipient. 
To help, take a screenshot (or save) this image. Post it on your Instagram Story, tag us (@thedevelopmentsociety) and use the #thegreatlampmystery
Let's figure it out together
Stay Wavy,
Head of Waves

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  • I think this could be the start of the unofficial “who can send the weirdest stuff to Devsoc” competition?

    *Bodily fluids not included

    Neil Higgy
  • We need to shed some light onto this. Is there a bright spark in the room who can help?
    Maybe if we all work as one, many hand make light work.

    Matthew Edwards

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